It could be titled “The Day You Understand Why Your Mom Had No Problem Smacking You Upside The Head Every Once in a While”

There are thousands of books about pregnancy, breastfeeding, how to take care of baby, what your baby should be doing, what your toddler should be doing, blahblahblah.
What I want to know is… where in the HELL are all of the books about “The Day You Tell Your Son That You’re Going to ‘Count to Three’ and Instead Of Shaking In His Boots and Rushing To Do What You Told Him To Do Because He’s Afraid Of Getting Busted, He Rolls His Eyes and Says “Um, Mom, Don’t You Think We’re Getting a Little Too Old For That?'”

8 thoughts on “It could be titled “The Day You Understand Why Your Mom Had No Problem Smacking You Upside The Head Every Once in a While”

  1. Y

    Haaa. Oh man.
    I’m seriously surprised it’s worked THIS long, but I was still a little stunned at him saying that.
    Ugh. Why can’t they stay little and afraid of you FOREVER?

  2. Amy S

    OK, Not that I am miss know it all but I have a 13 year old boy and he is way bigger than I am. What works for me is going ape shit screaming and yelling and threatening I am going to kick his ass…..oh wait, just kidding.
    No, really, I just take his favorite stuff away, like his beloved Nintendo stuff.
    Take it all away, hide it, and forget it for about a 2 weeks. That usually takes care of any and all problems with him.

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