I interrupt my “bill paying online session” to bring you this important message

Normally, my farts don’t stink. Seriously. I make beautifully pure farts.
But today is not like most days, because today I had an egg sandwich for lunch.

10 thoughts on “I interrupt my “bill paying online session” to bring you this important message

  1. Lauren

    Just wait until you have a frito pie with extra chili!! Uhm, not that I would know about that mind you. My farts smell like roses thankyouverymuch ::looking over shoulder to make sure husband isn’t watching:: *heh*

  2. Shaunta

    One day I was trying to convince my boyfriend (who is now my husband) that girls don’t fart.
    My lovely little daughter, then age 9, piped up and said (to a man I was dating, mind you. A man I was destined to marry):
    Mommy farts in her sleep.
    I am STILL trying to live that one down. It isn’t easy, since the man now sleeps with me every night.

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