Me: You’re not going to believe this. I bought pajamas with teapots on them because they were the only ones in my size.
Her: Wait, with WHAT on them?
Me: Teapots.
Her: I hope you said “Tupac!”
Me: NO! Not Tupac! TEAPOTS.
Her: Yvonne, did you say PEACOCKS?
Me: (unable to breathe) TEAPOTS, LENA, TEAPOTS.
Her: Whatever they are, I bet they’re pretty.
(they’re not)
So, yes. I bought teapot pajamas. And like my daughter just said “Wow, those are kind of dumb because there’s not even any tea to pour in the cups.”
I shouldn’t be allowed to shop for myself, you guys.
LOL! Thanks for the laugh. Hope you love them!
That would make a cool apron! Oh well, PJ’s aren’t always a fashion contest.
Well, “I” think they are funky and cool!
If you find pajamas with Tupac on them, let me know!
They MAY be ugly, but you know what? I bet they’re comfy. I have pyjamas that I wouldn’t be caught DEAD in most days but I wear them all. the. time. because they’re so comfortable. So ugly is good!! 🙂 (and really, they’re not all that bad…I’ve seen MUCH worse)