Another Excuse to Avoid Writing About My “Feelings”- A Giveaway!

This morning, I was going to sit down and write.
It’s been a while. And there are reasons. Reasons I’ve not wanted to talk about, but probably need to talk about.
I sat down on my laptop and tried to login to MT.
My internet was down.
I called my cable company where I was greeted with a Very Important Message.
“We’re doing some upgrades in your area. Your internet, phone and cable will be down until 3pm.”
Oh hell no. My blog can wait. One more day without an update here won’t hurt anyone.
However, I have a job that requires me to be online. So, I knew I’d have to drive my ass to Barnes and Noble for the free wifi hookup.
I walked into Barnes and Noble looking for free wifi, but in the back of my mind, I knew that today was the day that Jay Mohr’s new book came out.
I sought it out (it was in the Father’s Day display) just to get a sneak peek (I’ve already pre-ordered from Amazon. Am expecting it any day now.) I read the intro.
I expected to laugh. I did not expected to get choked up.
But I did. I got all teary eyed and kind of wanted to punch Jay in the neck for making me cry while standing in the middle Barnes and Noble.
Most of you know that I absolutely adore Jay. I consider him a friend. Naturally, I want his book to do well.
I also adore my readers. With the exception of the One Woman Who Hates Me and Thinks My Kids Are Fat But Continues to Read My Anyway, You have always been so good to me. I feel incredibly lucky.
So– I went ahead and bought a copy of the book anyway. And I want to give it away to one of you.
All you need to do is leave a comment here. I’ll choose a winner at random tomorrow evening.
If you don’t win, I hope you’ll consider buying a copy for yourself. You can order it here.
Am a dumbass who forgot to take the sticker off. Taken in the Barnes and Noble bathroom. Because I’m Class-ay.
You can read my interview with Jay here.
(Disclaimer- I purchased the book with my own money and was not asked by Jay to do this giveaway.)
**Comments are now closed. I’ll choose a winner shortly**
2010-05-13 10.12.13.jpg
And the winner is… maggie, dammit!

134 thoughts on “Another Excuse to Avoid Writing About My “Feelings”- A Giveaway!

  1. Shauna

    I spilled an entire Venti Ice Tea on my toddlers head while shopping today, while he was in his stroller. I laughed my ass off, bribed him with a lollipop and kept shopping. Who is class-ay now?? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Beth G

    I agree, the cover is pretty great. I’m sure the book is hysterical. Can’t wait to read it!

  3. Jessica

    My friend and I say “Classy with a K” when we are being so class-ay ๐Ÿ™‚ We even had the word “Klassy” on some cupcakes at a girls night in one time ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Cynthia

    Punch him in the face! Just DOOOO it! But, wait until you finish the book. Just in case you want to do other things.

  5. Nancy P

    I’m not gonna lie. I miss Jay on The Ghost Whisperer. Ok got that off my chest. Also, I wish I could wear my bangs like you do but I can’t so…

  6. ragtopday

    Hey, maybe I can find out why my parents drank too! I love your blog and hope whatever it is you’re not writing about gets better soon!

  7. Beth Nixon

    Love the title! Would love a chance to win. Glad to see you post. I never fail to smile or see a part of myself in you.

  8. Kim

    I love Jay Mohr!! Can’t wait to read the book – will totally buy it if I don’t win!

  9. mommabird2345

    I think Jay Mohr is HI-larious. I’ve been in a crappy place lately, I could really use a laugh.

  10. Holly

    I would be honored if I win, because I never win anything. ๐Ÿ™‚ I think Jay is funny, so it must be a funny book.

  11. jadine

    I have always been a fan of Jay Mohr – and you! – and think that it’s very nice of you to offer a give-away to your readers. Thanks for thinking of us ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Candi

    If his book is even half as good as his show Gary Unmarried, I will most definitely be reading it! Love a free copy ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Alice

    I love Klassy with a K. And here’s hoping that your feelings aren’t of the grow-into-a-mutant-dinosaur-and-eat-you-alive variety (in other words, hoping that things don’t suck too awfully).

  14. ElizabethZ

    I was wondering where the hell you were – glad to see you’re alive. I’d love Jay’s book!

  15. Pam

    Would love to read the book! I’ve been waiting for a post from you – hope all is well.

  16. maggie, dammit

    You know, I feel like kind of a jerk saying this but I never really cared much about Jay Mohr before. I didn’t dislike him, I just didn’t really think about him at all. But back when I read your interview, and witnessed not only his wit and charm but the way he stuck around in the comment section, I was totally smitten. I’d honestly love to read his book.
    Also, hi. I love you. xo

  17. Belle

    I’m catching up on blog posts by my favorite bloggers (yes, that means you!) instead of running on the treadmill, which is what I really ought to be doing. So here’s hoping I win the give away so I’ll have an even better excuse for skipping my workout (I was trying to win a contest!).

  18. Ann

    I have always been a Jay fan.And also a Y fan love your blog especially your beautiful pictures.

  19. julie

    Fun! “Gasping For Airtime” was great and I would love to have this one. The only Jay Mohr-related thing that could make me happier would be the DVD of “Action”; the cancellation of that show was a freakin’ crime.

  20. Ellen G

    I’ve never been a fan, but never been a hater. Hearing someone like you is a fan makes me want to give Jay a shot…
    That is one classy picture. Should be a prototype for all book promotions ๐Ÿ™‚ That every customer should want to take a picture with a book is a goregous thing indeed!

  21. eko

    I promise if I win – I will still buy another and pass it around (I would SO keep the one you are giving away!–autographed, by you — I hope) — you know the *degrees* of knowing someone thing… ๐Ÿ˜€

  22. Jenifer

    I would love to read it and I think my hubby would enjoy it too!
    So, who is the skeezbag that hates you and thinks your kids are fat? Let me at ‘er! ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Angie Veith

    *jumping up and down to burn some extra calories….oh whew….outta breath now, gotta stop*
    *gasping* Pick…me! Pick…me!
    You stay class-ay, Yvonne! I love it!

  24. lindsayc

    I love the title! And what ever you are going through, you will get through it with your beautiful family.

  25. Marie Green

    I’ve spent the last several days avoiding my feelings too, much less writing about my feelings. Maybe we should form a club. Nah. Too much work.
    Nice giveaway!

  26. Krissy

    I would love to read this! I love memoirs and being inspired–which is why I read your blog, Y! ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Karen

    Looks like a great book. I’m in Australia so I possibly can’t win or buy it but even the title made me laugh so I’m dying to read it.

  28. Christine

    Your bangs are so cute!!
    Thanks for doing this giveaway…I think Jay is awesome and would love to read his book! xo ๐Ÿ˜€

  29. Lucy

    I , too, have been waiting for an update after your post about feeling strange about marriage. I sincerely hope everything is ok with you….and, synchronicity, I was in B & N yesterday too, when I saw the book, I thought of you.

  30. Cristie

    I will not go on and on again about my obsession with Jay Mohr. I will just put that energy into wishing that I win.;)
    Hope you can write what you want soon.

  31. Kate

    Made you choke up? I WANT IT. And if I don’t win, I’ll buy it.
    Damn… I just lost, didn’t I?

  32. Jenny

    ohhhh, I just read this…am I too late to comment and be in the running? hope not. ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Margie

    Sorry about the internet snafu!
    If it isn’t too late, I’d like to be included in y our giveaway. Jay Mohr is great! So cool that he’s a friend, too.

  34. Nicole

    It would be awesome to win! I love to read but had to cut back on buying books for a little bit.

  35. Laurelie

    Hmm…I think I might have to consider this as something my very own husband might actually sit down and read…and enjoy!

  36. Cheryl H.

    I really like Jay Mohr, he is so funny. I have a feeling the book will be a great read and I would be very happy if you picked me.
    I like your blog ~ keep it coming. Writing from the heart is difficult, but it is redeeming/cleansing and we all are in this together ~ someone else most likely is experiencing the same.

  37. Julie

    You are so sweet and kind. I love reading your blog. And, I love hearing about your sweet, lovely kids.

  38. sam {temptingmama}

    You took the book into the BATHROOM!? I knew you could read them there, but they even let you read them in the loo? *snort*
    Jay is a lucky man to have such a loyal stalker friend like you, Y. HAHAHA

  39. jayjay

    Yvonne? Was the book in the bathroom because you had to go number two? hmmm? I love the word bangs. I also love the word tubes.

  40. Kathleen

    Oh! Pick me! I haven’t had anything good to read in ages.
    Also, I hope things in your life start to get better and that whatever is bringing you down blows over.

  41. Julie

    I popped in because you seemed a little bummed on Twitter and honestly, I just wanted to encourage you. But if I happen to get a book out of it too–so much the better! (But you GO!)

  42. Linda

    We’ve missed you around here ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for kindly answering my email about a camera question. You are a delight! :^D

  43. Corrie

    My kids book will be called, “No Wonder My Mom Drank Boxed Wine All The Time!”. I can’t wait to read this book!

  44. christine

    I added that book to my amazon wish list! but it’d be great to win it and save the money. thanks for the contest. hope all is okay.

  45. Jessica b

    I’ve loved him since before I knew who he really was! I remember seeing him in Picture Perfect and so that’s who I referred to him as for the longest time… “the hot guy from Picture Perfect”. He’s hilarious and… yes, HOTT!
    i’d love to win that book! not to mention, i am bookless at the moment. It’s killing me to not have anything to read but i cant afford to buy a book at the moment… stupid transmission, grr.

  46. Tammy

    I am not as classy as you all but I took a shot to my heel today that’s gotta be good for something. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Pick me pick me. pick me.

  47. eko

    JAY was HERE! Heavy sigh…oh, randomize me, Y!! ๐Ÿ˜€ (oops – this is a second entry!!)

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