I was in San Diego this past weekend for Ethan’s basketball tournament. Gabby and Tony stayed behind because of his work schedule and her hatred for sitting through basketball games.
Tony called me while I was there to let me know that we had received a letter from Andrew. I was disappointed I wasn’t there to read it with my own eyes, but was thrilled to finally hear from him.
My husband read the letter to me over the phone. He opened up about how he was feeling emotionally. That was tough to hear, but he knew things weren’t going to be easy when he signed up for this. He also informed me that he’s still sick, although he never mentioned what kind if sickness he’s experiencing. In less than a month, he’s already lost fifteen pounds. That is shocking to me, considering he was not overweight to begin with.
I will continue to write to him every single day for the remaining 59 days because I need for my son to know every single day that we are thinking of him, that we miss him, but mostly that we are proud of him and that we love him.
I put this picture in the mail for him today. I hope it makes him smile.
Oh, write about it all you want, hon. I like hearing the updates. What a lovely picture!
You have no need to write or think about anything else. This is a MAJOR event in your life, and it’s YOUR blog, not anybody else’s. Never apologize for being emotionally honest.
xoxoxo. great picture, I know he’ll love it.
What a great picture! I am proud of your son and the young men & women who serve our country. You write all you want about him. He’s an amazing person. 🙂
There is nothing more lovely to read about than a Mother’s love for her brave, brave son. There’s someone out there who is starting on this journey that you are already on…and they will be glad to find your blog posts and know they are not alone. Keep ’em coming.
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve just recently gone thru the same thing with my son (leaving for USN/boot camp, etc) and I can identify with all of the ranges of emotions that you have. It’s a dichotomy– you’re incredibly proud but you also grieve (it’s a defining point in their lives when they are unequivocally no longer a child– their childhood ends on the day you leave them at MEPS and your role changes from that day forward). When I dropped my son off at MEPS and had to leave him– while I knew that I ‘had’ to do it, it also felt like I was abandoning him too– and that hurt me as his parent. As I told my son, my ‘job’ for the last 20 years has been to keep you safe and healthy– it’s hard to just ‘flip a switch’ and let go. I will say that those who’ve never experienced it, will never understand it and for those that have gone through it, you don’t have to explain– they know.
For the “sickness”– I fondly refer to this as “Kennel Cough.” Seems like they all get this in some form or fashion and some keep it throughout boot camp… your son can go to Medical if needed but don’t be surprised if they give them something like Sudafed, Mucinex and Saline Nose Spray… for my son, his allergies kicked in and Claritin worked for him.
Hold tight to those precious letters– after boot camp he’ll most likely get his cellphone back (or buy one) and you’ll probably get a call or text instead. Rest assured, he is reading every note, letter or card you all are sending him many, many times. 🙂
If you have the chance to go to boot camp graduation, do it… it was an awesome experience for our entire family. If you think you’re proud now— you’ll be popping buttons for sure on that day! 🙂
You write about your boy all you want. Know that we, too, are waiting to hear about him while he’s on this journey. *hugs*
I hope you’ll keep each and every letter – my son is away at school and I keep every one (under my pillow!) — J/K! I look forward to reading about Andrew EVERY time I stop by. Big hugs to you, dear Y!
when my son went to Army bootcamp he also lost a ton of weight – he was the leanest he ever has been (or ever woudl be again) It’s ok – he’ll put a chunk of it back on when they can eat like a normal person the week after boot camp is over! a small word of advice – pace yourself with your letters – it is emotionally exhausting for you as well as your solidier. and for the army anyways, he will not receive mail every day – they will hold them and deliver only a few times over the training. and some may get sent back to you towards the end because their internal mail delivery is SO slow! lol! Contact is excellent, so needed to keep them grounded – but over time you will wear yourself out, which wont help either of you. when my son was deployed I used to write him a letter every week, and a small care package once a month. It was enough to let him know we were thinking about him, but not enough to overwhelm either side. from a mom with a career soldier to a newbie mom – it doesnt get better, but we learn to cope with it 🙂 good luck to your son!
Hey there. My brother JUST got pinned as Colonel in the Marine Corps after being in for 26 years. We are so proud we could burst. Altho now an officer, he did enter the Marines as enlisted and went through bootcamp, so I know what it is like to have a close family member there. We hardly recognized him upon completion, so prepare yourself for that as much as you can. It was so funny at graduation when they all look like the same shaved head and same precise movement, but my mom knew my brother by his ears! HA
The delay in graduating is a major pain in the rear, but he will make it…and so will you. Hang in there Marine Corps Momma! SEMPER FI!