A Few of My Favorite Photos of 2012

This is what I wrote down under “2013 goals.”

Take more pictures.

Write more.

I refuse to let another year go by in which I don’t make time for my creative self.

I didn’t take many photos in 2012, but there were a few that I am proud of and wanted to share here. I hope to be better about documenting our family life this year.

20 thoughts on “A Few of My Favorite Photos of 2012

  1. Julie

    Your pictures are stunning. I especially love the ones of your son. The picture with your husband hugging him still makes me tear up. You are so talented.

  2. Daniel

    I know these are all special in their own way, each with more or less significance and meaning, but there’s the one of your husband and oldest – man, that gets me…

  3. Amanda

    The callouses on the hand destroy me. You capture real life in your photos—you take me places, connect my heart with your subjects. Such a beautiful gift, for us and for you. Thank you.

    1. Y Post author

      I’m going to print your words and the next time I think “I’m just not good enough at this photography thing” I’m going to read what you said. Thank YOU.

  4. Linda

    I am delighted that you are going to take more pictures!! Did you know you are my photo role model? 🙂 I am learning to take better pictures, and I love to learn by seeing how others compose a shot, use filters, focus, etc. Thank you for sharing your art with us.

  5. jessica

    Stunning pictures. I am a family/children photographer and am happy with my portrait work but am so envious of your talent for capturing unusual and very artistic shots. Keep it up!

  6. Patt

    These are absolutely stunning! You have such an amazing talent. Yes, please do take more photo’s in 2013.

  7. Jaci

    Wonderful pictures. Have you ever thought of taking your daughter to modeling agency. She is so beautiful (like her momma), and I am sure she would be a wonderful model! She just knows how to pose!!!

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