My son swears he can’t memorize his times tables because it’s too much. Yet, as he’s laying in bed, he’s quoting, to himself, the entire “The Master of Disguise” movie. I mean, word for word.
Guess what he’ll be doing when he gets home from school tomorrow? And he’s not coming out til they’re memorized.
Oh… I have a bad story about my times tables! It was the first time I really lied about anything important to an authority figure. — In the third grade, we had to go to the principal’s office to recite them to her once we learned them; it went 1-5, 6-10, & 11-12. I did the first two, but never did the 11 & 12 and blatantly lied to everyone about it, and then got credit for them! My karma got me though — I still have problems with the 12s. ha!
12s wow. We never went that high is school. We stoped at the 10s, but I learned 11s on my own because they are easy and fun. I loved math.
I had to go up to 12’s too. I learned using the good old flash card method. Every morning at breakfast my mom would be showing me those cards. Ugh… I learned them though.