Ever since I received the phone call from my son telling me he was injured and dropped from his company, I’ve been feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness. Not for myself, but for what my son must be going through. I can’t imagine how much it sucks for him to have bonded with the guys in his platoon over the past 5 weeks and then to be held back while they all move on to phase two training.
I have a hard time sleeping at night. I replay his phone call over and over in my head. He sounded so sad, so not himself.
“They’re dropping me from my company and I won’t be moving on to phase two training.”
I could hear the disappointment, I could hear the devastation.
And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.
I wrote him a letter and I told him to stay focused on the ultimate goal.
“This is just a minor setback
, son. You will achieve your goal, just a bit later than you had planned. STAY STRONG!”
On Tuesday, there were three letters from my son in my mailbox. He’s in MRP (Medical Recovery Platoon) while he waits for his hand to heal and to be placed in his new platoon. The letters were filled with so much emotion. He said when he was training, he didn’t have much time to think, now, he has nothing but time to think.
“It’s messing with my head.” He wrote. “But please don’t worry, I’m fine.”
It tore me up inside to read about the moment he had to say goodbye to his platoon. “The guys were all coming up to me, hugging me, telling me to stay strong. Some of them even gave me things to remember the Kilo Co. by. It sucked.”
Oh God, my heart.
On the other hand, it warmed my heart to read that he’s able to keep perspective in regards to his setback. “There are guys who have been here for over a year. It makes me think how lucky I am that I’ll only be here for a little while. It could be worse.”
Oh, my sweet son.
I’ve written three letters back. These letters are filled with all of the love and encouraging words I could think of.
And now, I ask a favor of you, my dear friends on the internet.
Would you kindly take a minute to leave some words of wisdom and encouragement for my son? I will then copy those words and send them to him while he waits for his hand to heal and to then finally continue with his training.
I would be so grateful and I know my son will be too.
Thank you in advance.
hang in there young man. you can achieve all of your goals. just a minor setback. concentrate on healing and getting back out there for training.
there is so much love for you and your family, you have no idea!
Anyone can do well when things are going well — it’s the setbacks that prove who we are. You can do this. You are strong and smart and capable.
Love this! Well said, Kate!
Life is full of setbacks, some large, some small — and some that seem large at the time but in retrospect are just “bumps in the road.”
Hey soldier- First, I want to thank you for taking the time to stand up for your country. It’s a weighty decision- the one you have made, and requires a lot of stamina. Just remember, on the days that get you down- that you’ve got a country full of people that are forever grateful for the career path you have chosen. Each step closer in your training makes your country that much safer. EACH STEP. Use this “setback” as time to train your mind. Train your emotions. To get yourself stronger. Because if you don’t? Your mom might be in your next platoon. I’m just sayin. 🙂 All the best!
In my lifetime, I can look back and see so many times where I was frustrated with a setback. Where things weren’t going my way. But I can honestly be thankful for those times as a part of the greater picture. That’s what this is, something you will look back on and realize that it was just a part of your path to greatness.
I don’t know you, and I don’t know your Mom, but I have loved reading about you. I think you are a strong and brave young man. I admire the men and women in the armed forces so much – the sacrifices you are making so that I can be free – it is so powerful. I was so sorry to read that you had this setback, but I really believe it will make you stronger in body and mind in the end…you are doing something that many many people are too scared to even try! You are amazing! You can do this, you will do this, and I will be so excited to read about your graduation! Your Mom (and whole family) love you so much, and now through your Moms blog, we have grown to love you too. Keep your chin up, stay strong, focus on your goal. Big hugs to you!
I know people hate to hear it but things usually work out for the best. You just have to make it through the sucky part first. It is amazing what you are doing and your mom and all her readers are so proud of you. Heal quickly and make some new friends in your current platoon. Things are going to be great!
This is a tough time you are going through. Convalescing can be difficult for a soldier. Action is usually the measure of accomplishment. Right now you are unable to take action, and that is important to be able to perform the tasks you need to later.
When you do join a new company and continue your training, your new drill instructor will call you out for being lazy. Be ready for that. He may say something along the lines of “Marines do not sit around doing nothing!” If given the opportunity to respond (and only if) you should respond that it was not your intention to sit around, but you were under orders to stay put and heal. Sir. (I’m pretty sure you still need to start and end every sentence with Sir.)
Leaving the group of recruits you entered into the service with is a hard thing to go through, especially when it was under circumstances you couldn’t control. You formed bonds, helped each other, and were in it together. When you do join a new company to complete your training, there may be the fear they have already formed their bonds and there will be no room for you. I will not sugar coat this, but that may be the case – but only for a short time. It shouldn’t, but if this does happen, you will demonstrate you are willing and able to pull your weight, and you deserve your place there. You will form new bonds. You will work together with your new company, and you will complete your training.
When news of this happened, your mother turned to (among other places) her online support group. I communicated to her through twitter as best I could with the limited characters available, that this is difficult, but getting through this will make you stronger, and not just a better solider, but a better man. While action may be a soldier’s measurement of accomplishment, overcoming adversity, in whatever way that takes place, is also a form of action. Getting through this is not a setback, but a life lesson that you will be able to carry with you. Use it.
God speed and good luck Marine.
Daniel Pelfrey
U.S. Army 1985 – 1989
Hang in there. Your mom, dad brother and sister are so proud of you. And your mom’s friends in the computer are thinking of you and we know you can get through this and make it through your training. Semper Fi!
Y, you have a hell of a son. It’s clear you and your whole family are so proud of him and the internet is too! I was going to write about what my friend went through during his boot camp experience to encourage him but Daniel up there ^ says it so darn well so go read his again, especially that last paragraph. Life doesn’t always go the way we hope and plan but what you make of it and how you let it shape you makes you who you are. You always get to choose how you respond to any given situation. You’re tough, you’re strong, you got his. Ooo-Rah. (Are non-Marines allowed to say that?)
I wish I could think of something original or inspiring to say… but all that comes to mind is… this sucks. I’m sorry that an injury separated you from your company and got you delayed. It isn’t fair. I hope you heal up fast and can get back on track soon… from everything I’ve read about you, I know you’ll make it through this setback. Not only that, you’ll make it through with honor and humor and have another whole group of men to call your friends when all is said and done. Good luck.
This may be the wrong thing to say to a Marine, but, here it is. 🙂
When my husband went to Navy boot camp years ago, he said he figured out pretty quickly that it was kind of like a game you had to play to get to the next level. If you kept your head and remembered, “This is not personal, this is just how they train us, how they’ve trained every recruit forever,” then you managed to get through with a minimum of trouble. If you let the drill instructors mess with your head and forgot it was just the task you needed to complete to get to the next level, that was when you got caught up and let your mouth get away from you (or worse, let your imagination get carried away) and you got into trouble.
I’m sorry you weren’t able to finish with your company. That really, really sucks. But—and I know it’s hard to hear this when you are disappointed and frustrated—you don’t know what lies ahead. There might be a really great reason for you to be in a different company. I can’t tell you how many times something that for me was a second choice or a disappointment turned out to be one of the best things that could have happened.
Remember, they wouldn’t have let you join the Marines if they didn’t think you had the courage and the determination and the heart to BE one. So keep your head about you, heal quickly, and throw yourself back in the game. You will be be just fine. And THANK YOU, with all my heart, for serving our country!
Best wishes,
Bethany Gronberg
Navy wife for 16 years and counting
Recruit, your physical injury is minor and you shall heal. While you are waiting to join another platoon, see what you can do to make yourself useful. People who reach beyond the scope of their proscribed duties to learn new things are the ones who get ahead.
I have been reading your mom’s blog for a long time, and I know what a special and determined young man you are. I would like to personally thank you for volunteering in service to our country. I know you parents and siblings are so proud of you, as are so many others (me included)!
Keep moving forward, soldier. And one other thing: please wear sunscreen. This might seem a silly thing to say, but it is a small thing that you can do now to ensure a healthier future. Best of luck to you and your fellow recruits.
Remember that everything happens for a reason! You must be meant to do bigger and better with a new group and phase 2 later. I’m sure it is so frustrating in the mean time though! Hang in there and remember your healing is the ultimate goal at this moment. Good luck to you thank you for your service!
This is along the lines of what some of the other commenters have said: This isn’t a set back at all, this is part of your training. You never know what cards you will be dealt. Especially once you are out in the field. You just got dealt this card early in your training. It’s an experience to pull from and to learn from. You can turn it into a positive thing, because somewhere down the line, what you’ve learned from it will help you in the future….whether that be in a new situation you have to face or possibly helping someone else through something similar.
I don’t know if they allow you to keep a journal, but if so, it might be helpful to write out your experiences. This can help you think things through and also give you something to look back on later for encouragement for the future.
Be strong. Be brave. Outsmart the situation.
First and foremost I want to THANK you for your service and for your dedication in training to protect and serve your country! Just the fact that you are going through boot camp- that right there shows that you already have incredible inner strength and determination. No one likes to be hurt, no one likes not to feel their best but these things happen to every single person. It’s most important to draw on the strength and determination that brought you into the service and remember that this injury is just a tiny road bump and soon you will be right back where you want to be. Hope you heal quick and are back to training soon!
I’m sorry things are going a little differently than you thought they would go. You will get through this and you will be stronger for it. I know your parents are so proud of you, but I’m proud of you too. You are such an amazing young man. Thank you for wanting to serve our country. I wish you a quick recovery.
Setbacks and disappointments are always hard and this is probably harder on your mom than you because speaking as a fellow mom, I know she feels your pain so intensely. I do agree with others that in time this setback will seem for the best because of new turn of events that will take place. That is just the way a journey goes.
I have read your mom’s blog for a looong time and have seen you grow into an AWESOME young man. You only have ONE MOM, but you have lots of “moms” that truly care for you and your family. Keep your head on straight and look foward to being a leader with the next plattoon. You have been there and done that, so use that knowledge to help the new recruits. This is a minor hiccup in YOUR plan, but there is obviously something bigger in “THE PLAN”, you just are not aware of it yet. Keep your spirits up and know that you are loved by your IRL family/friends AND your cyber friends and pseudo “moms”.
Know that what you are currently going through is what you need to handle the next trial in your life. It’s hard not to be able to do what everyone else is doing, but it builds strength, fortitude and good character (of which you have an abundance already!). We’re all pulling for you, and know you will walk out of training with your head held high – proud, brave, and ready to take on the world.
Hi, Andrew!! I was lucky enough to meet you and your brother when you were young and lucky enough to have been friends with your mom long enough to see and hear about you growing up and becoming a man. I am so proud of who you have become and the son you have been to one of my dearest friends. So many people are pulling for you. Count me as one of them!!
Stay strong. This is just part of the process. Adapt, overcome. That’s what you are learning right now. You are learning how to be a Marine, and you are doing just fine. Every experience you have there is a just a small step in a large journey. Be proud of the journey you are taking. I know your mother is.
The Marines are a family and you will be welcomed into your new family as much as you were in the first. As hard as it is to see the guys move on without you, try not to get too down about it. Try to think of it as getting to know more members of your family. God speed to you, you will make it through and this bump in the road will be a distant memory.
OK, setbacks suck. At least, they always really seem to when they happen. But one thing you learn as you get older is that there is almost always more to it than that. Sometimes the things that seem like the worst luck actually end up leading us down paths we never would have gone down otherwise. I am someone who has come over time to believe in fate and destiny – and that includes the bad with the good. The thing is that things that seem bad when they happen almost always have a good aspect – they teach you something or lead you somewhere that you never would have learned or gotten to otherwise. The hard part is learning to be patient and open to those lessons and paths which you never asked for and thought you never wanted. You are young and strong and will heal and get right back to it, better than ever. And in the process, you will have learned a thing or two and in some ways as a result will be ahead of your buddies who got to move on quicker than you did through training. You may have no clue right now what you are learning and may not even care. But trust me, in a certain amount of time, when you’ve healed and come through it all and out the other side, you’ll realize that there was a reason why this happened and you’ll come to understand how it has added value to your life. Sometimes patience is a way of hanging tough that is a lot harder than physical tests – but in the end it has greater rewards. So – wait, hang in there, trust and have faith. You’ll be glad you did.
Although we have never met, please know that there is a family in PA rooting for you. Your example of strength and determination is truly inspirational. God bless you.
I read recently that the key to surviving all sadness is to remember four words in good times and in bad: This, too, shall pass.
It doesn’t mean that this doesn’t matter. It means, in a way, that only right now matters, because everything is temporary.
It’s kind of deep and esoteric, but you’re mom said you had lots of time to think right now. 😉
I know I’m just some stranger from the internet but I am so proud of you. It takes a special man to be a Marine (I’m a daughter of a Marine).
I’m sure it is hard to have to change your company after so many weeks but I know you will thrive with your new company.
Thank you for your service.
Every job I’ve had, I’ve learned something from — and — as many others have said — you’ll learn from this set-back. And that, in turn, gives you more experience to draw from when “the chips are down,” because (like I said before in response to Kate), life will be full of things that are beyond our control.
Every time you try something you’ve never done, or deal with an unexpected challenge, you learn and grow — or you CAN if you choose to. Choose to make the most of this “down time,” in whatever way you can.
Know that your family and friends love you very much, are proud of you, and believe in you. We’re ALL thankful that there are men like you, willing to serve and protect. And we’re ALL proud of you and what you’re doing.
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”~ Henry Ford, American Industrialist, Founder of Ford Motor Company
I am late seeing this so don’t know if I can add much to what has already been said but I do love what Mindy wrote!
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”~ Henry Ford, American Industrialist, Founder of Ford Motor Company
I don’t know you or your family personally but I have been reading your mom’s blog and twitter for a few years now and have felt her pride in her family. I am SO impressed with you and your family!
I heard a great line in a movie recently. “It will all be good in the end. If it isn’t good right now, it isn’t the end.”
I honor you for the choice you made in going into military service. I do not always agree with the politic behind certain actions, but I will always admire and fully support the men and women like you who choose to spend their lives protecting my right to be free. You are strong. You are amazing. And you will be great.
I am a glass half full person and so is my Air Force nephew. The friends that he met and will meet in boot camp will be his friends for life and he is very fortunate to have twice as many boot-camp friends as most others. And he will run into them throughout his military career and after. At my nephew’s wedding he had friends from all walks of his life, Andrew will also.
Dear Recruit Andrew,
The Armed Forces are incredibly lucky to have so many strong, smart, great kids wanting to join them. It is hard to get in to the military now and they CHOSE you!! I am from a long line (back to the Revolutionary War) line of military officers. Nothing would make me prouder than to have one of my kids join the military, and you gave your mom that incredible joy!
Thank you for choosing this path and working so hard to finish this step!
With gratitude and respect,
The McG Family
You are a really, really, really amazing mom.
You are so brave, and you are loved so much by your family.
In years to come, you will realise this was the best thing that could’ve happened. It will teach you to keep believing in yourself, when you get knocked down, you dust yourself off and come back stronger.
Rooting for you all the way from London!
Hang in there. You will get through this. My son went into the Army and after basic was scheduled for Officer Candidate School. The Army had his paperwork all messed up (surprise) and he had to sit in holding for weeks until things were straightened out and another OCS class started. This meant his friends from basic went on without him. He was devastated. He is now a 2LT and is currently in Infantry training. He has made many new friends and still keeps in touch with the guys from his original basic group. He told me to tell you to stay strong and never give up. A lot of military stuff is all a head game. Hang in there and this too shall pass. You will get to where you need to be. Being mentally tough is as important as being physically tough. Something I always said to my son was, “Faith in God includes faith in his timing”.
Thank you for your service first and foremost. I found and sent the following to my son while he was in Basic– I hope it helps:
“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are. Use them, embrace them, take what you need from them and move on to bigger and better things.There will be times along your journey that you will be faced with obstacles and setbacks. They will make you reconsider your ability to accomplish your dreams; they will make you come up with excuses to procrastinate and they will make you feel hopeless, powerless, lost, confused and frustrated. It’s the times like these when you find out what you’re really made of– when character is built. What you focus on and how you react to setbacks, challenges or failures determines your future success.
“…Build your mind not to see obstacles but stepping-stones. Build your mind to see beyond where you are… What your mind can’t carry, your hands can’t carry. Where your mind can’t go, your legs can’t dare. Make up your mind not to give up, no matter the storm. Make up your mind not to feel depressed by circumstances. Make up your mind to succeed even if no one has.” (Osemeke Uwakina 2012)
Stay strong and all the best from us to you!
You are strong and you will preserver. Don’t look back and think what could have been. Keep looking straight ahead and in the direction you are headed. Thank you for your service, we are all rooting for you!
When I was in bootcamp in the USMC, I had a very hard time with my running as I am only 5’0. I too went to the Medical Platoon. The biggest mistake I made was expecting it to be like my bootcamp family. It’s a whole other animal. And you must treat it as such or it will only be harder. They mess with your head on purpose here so don’t let it get to you. They figure if you can’t make it in the MedP they don’t want you. Ignore the brain games, ’cause that’s all they are, son, games. Know that it is a game, know the rules of the game, and play it like a boss. Most everyone is trying to heal on their own and therefore there may not be a lot of a “team-ness”. I decided to make at least one friend and leave it at that. Make at least one friend. Focus on healing and getting back to a company. You can do this as long as you keep your head in the game no matter what happens. Your goal is to heal and get on with your training. You can do and I know you will do it. HOO-RAH
This too shall pass. You have an amazing future ahead of you. While you will miss your first platoon, you’ll have the advantage of training with another… and another chance to bond with special people.
Take care of yourself. Your country is proud of you!
One of my Facebook friends (and my best friend from 7th grade) posted this just a few minutes ago.
For every setback, disappointment and heartbreak, ask yourself, “What does this create the opportunity for?” And therein you will find its gift.
So as you wait for your hand to heal I hope that the gift becomes more and more apparent.
I know what you’re doing isn’t easy. My husband is the son of a Marine and when I was getting close to college graduation the Marines kept sending me recruitment letters, I kept asking him if he thought I could hack it (I was only slightly serious). He always responded with “reason 3190 why Michelle should not be a Marine. . .They Will Make You CRY!!” I have a nephew who recently graduated from the Naval Academy who is also a Marine and I look at what an honorable man he is and I’m so proud of him but also of those who can get through the training and hardships (hopefully with out 3 thousand reasons why it will make you cry) that come with being so willing to protect little old me, my family, and the freedoms that come along with being an American. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You!
Hang in there, Andrew. I know from everything your mom has shared about you that you are an amazing young man. You are doing something so great, and so much bigger than yourself, I have so much admiration for you. And with this setback, you’re really just growing your family. You have the guys from your first company, now the guys that you’re recuperating with, and soon you’ll have the guys from a new company. You’re strong enough to get through it all, and I would like to thank you for your service, from the bottom of my heart. I am so grateful to you and ALL of the men and women who are serving and have served. We owe you more than we could ever repay. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts & prayers.
I really don’t know what I can meaningfully add that hasn’t been said already…but you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Me, and so many more around the world are thinking of you and holding you close in mind and heart.
Thank you for your service to this country. I have read your mom’s blog for years, and she has definately raised a strong young man. I know it’s hard, especially the first few months, (my brother who is only a couple of years older than you is in the Air Force the last 2 years and is currently overseas). My prayers are with you and your family. When you feel tired or scared or unsure, know that there are alot of people that support you and are praying for you, some you know, some you will never meet.
Dear Recruit,
I’ve never met you or your mom but thanks to the internets and Al Gore I’ve been able to get to know her while watching you grow into an amazing young man. The path that you have chosen is not one for the faint of heart. I know this because someone very close to me has a son that is currently deployed in Afghanistan now. I remember the very long weeks when he was at Parris Island in South Carolina doing the exact same thing you are doing now… It seems so long ago and yet those two years that have passed also seem like yesterday.
I’m sorry for the delay you have experienced but I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. We may just not know that reason immediately and so for that, I’m confident that you still have so many amazing things ahead of you that when you look back on this experience you’ll realize it happened for the best.
You couldn’t have parents more proud of you. I hope you know that. You also couldn’t have more random strangers proud of you than you do now.
Thank you for your commitment, your strength, and your service to our country… Semper Fi!
Tara McCall
Nothing in life comes easy, especially when it’s something you really want. Stay strong and keep your eye on the prize!
I’m a stranger to you but I have a son too. Always know your family is proud of you. Sometimes things just happen, just do your best and it will work it self out.
It is so amazing what you are doing! I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the sacrifice you have chosen to make! I can only imagine how frustrating and lonely it can be at times but please know how much you are loved and supported. I was so sorry to hear about your hand but I am certain you will be healed and this setback will only be minor. Stay focused! Best wishes to you!
I am the wife of a retired Navy submariner (let’s not hold that against him, okay?) You have made so many people proud of your love for your country and we appreciate every drop of sweat and minute you have given thus far.
My husband was injured while on the submarine near the end of his career. He was unable to serve on the boat (subs are boats…ships are targets!) and finish his sea tour. It really upset him because he didn’t feel he was doing what he was meant to do. He was put at a desk job where he had to learn new and different things. Little did we know that in the end, when he would retire, that experience would aide him in finding an amazing job in the civilian world.
I guess I’m just saying that maybe you should take every single thing that happens and apply it as a learning experience to help you further your career and life skills. You never know what kind of windows will open for you in the future!
Thank you again for all you’re doing. Your commitment helps those who have gone before you rest better at night.
That scar is meant to symbolize your journey through boot camp – being torn apart and sewn up again, better than ever, making your mark. As you age, a day won’t go by without you seeing that scar and remembering your days in boot camp and how hard you fought to become a Marine. A week or two later or not, you are moving on to Phase two, you will become a Marine, and you will move on to bigger and better things. Cherish this time of reflection, focus on your training, and trust that you are doing wonderfully. Heal fast, work hard, stay proud.
I probably know as much about what you are going through right now as you know about… menopause. HOWEVER– I don’t have to have walked in your exact shoes (boots?) to understand that this setback is hard and depressing and fundamentally unfair and sucky. And I am truly so sorry you are having to deal with it. Truly.
I DO also know for a fact that you come from very primo stock– your mom is strong, and passionate, and soulful, and did I mention strong? So that gives me great confidence that you will not only come through this trial, you will kick this trial in the nuts and make it cry like a little girl– and then you will dine out on the story for the rest of your life.
So stand strong, recruit. Know that there are all kinds of people all over the country that are rooting for you, and thinking of you and praying for you.
I’m one of them.
Love, Tori
(P. S. Get well soon. I have a really hot daughter.)
Dear Andrew,
I’m so sorry to hear of your injury. When my son was in Basic Training with the Army last summer, I prayed every day he wouldn’t be injured. I can only imagine the frustration and disappointment you’re feeling. I prayed for you that you will heal quickly and that you will be able to endure this setback with patience. I know you are a total stranger but I have a son in the Army who is your age and so I care very much about all who serve in our military. I admire your choice. You have not chosen an easy road, you have shown courage and self-sacrifice. I admire you. You have the support and prayers of total strangers who recognize what you have given up in order to be a Marine who will someday protect our freedom that we hold so dear. I already consider you a hero because this first step into the unknown world of training to be a Marine shows that you are brave and that you value honor and are willing to give up your own personal comfort in order to serve your fellow man. Jesus set the example of the ultimate sacrifice and our troops follow in His footsteps when they agree to serve their country. You’ll be in my prayers and I look forward to reading more about your training. God bless you Andrew, and thank you!
Denise, a proud Army mom
This is an excerpt from a piece from The Brave Girls Club–I think it fits for you right now. I personally want to thank you for your intentions to serve our great county. God be with you and keep you safe as you protect my family’s freedom.
“You are in just the right place in your life right now, doing just what needs to be done at this time. You are learning just what you need to be learning at this time. There’s a plan for your life and even if you are in the middle of where you were and where you are headed. Everything is going to be ok. You can do difficult things.
You are surrounded by the right people at this time, even if you feel rather alone. Things are working out exactly as they are meant to work out, though you may not see what is happening behind the scenes. You are becoming exactly who you are meant to become, even if you feel like you are not really becoming anything or anyone at all right now.”
Yvonne I have been in your shoes. My son broke his ribs right before the Crucible. He was able to graduate but he was in MRP for 4 months afterwards while everyone moved on to SOI. I felt like time had just stayed still. He is the Father of 2 boys and the boot camp was way longer than he wanted to be separated but another 4 months might as well have been 4 yrs. for him and the boys and his Father and I.
So while everyone else was at SOI, mine was, like Andrew, sitting reflecting and beating himself up.
Today, my son is a Corporal and over his platoon. He doesn’t even remotely remind me of that boy that went to boot camp years ago. It is amazing. You have a lot to be proud of.
This will pass. It is hard but Andrew will come out the other end stronger. And Mama will too. 🙂
I posted on another one, and I know this a tad old but I will tell you, when my son hurt his shoulder I didnt call at first I got a dr type bill from a hosp,not being able to call or email or nothing I sat for 4 days wondering what had happened, not sleeping not eating just thinkin of what could be wrong,then I got the call from him, he said dont worry mom I will be good, said he hurt his shoulder but all is good,ok good in 2 brief sentences wasnt really enough for me but he had to go. a week later I got a letter explaining what happen he tore sometihng in his shoulder, wasnt really clear.. but thankfully he was ok,the one thing that helped me was the fact in a letter shortly after that saying he was good LOL.. which its funny because after that I knew as long as a letter came with good in it he was ok..