Because No Mother Should Miss Her Son’s Graduation From Marine Corps Boot Camp. (Updated!)


That is the number of days left until I get to see my son’s sweet face for the first time since May 1st. Sadness of his absence has been replaced with excitement and pride. In just two weeks, I’ll be able to wrap my arms around my son, hold him close, tell him how proud I am of what he’s accomplished.

One of the places that I’ve found support during this journey is a support group for Marine parents online. I’ve connected and bonded with parents from my son’s platoon. The past few months, those message boards have been filled with sadness and many messages of the “I miss my son. I’m so sad” variety. The past few days have been filled with nothing but excitement from the others there. “Only 16 more days! We’ll be seeing our Marines soon! The end is almost here! Woooooo!”

Last night

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, in the midst of all of the celebratory-type postings, I found out one of the parents will not be attending the graduation. She’s deeply hurt. When the other parents saw her message, they begin offering to find her son on graduation day and let him call her from their cell phones, or to take pictures of her son so she could see him on graduation day.

I felt sick to my stomach for her and for her son. I can’t even begin to imagine not being able to attend my son’s graduation. I can’t begin to imagine how awful it would be for my son to not have any family there.

I posted this message on Facebook last night:

I just found out one of the mom’s in my son’s company won’t be able to make her son’s graduation because of money. I feel pretty devastated for her. I can’t even imagine not being able to watch my son graduate from boot camp. 🙁

And because my friends are often, they begin asking how much she money would she need? Could they help? Could I set up a chipin page and ask for donations?

(I love my friends.)

I emailed this woman and asked her if she couldn’t go because she didn’t have the money or because she couldn’t get the time off of work? I said “if I could raise money for you, would you be able to travel.” She wrote back and said she absolutely could travel, she just didn’t have the funds. She told me she had tried to raise money online, but no one was willing to help her. Then she said “if you could make this happen, I will kiss you forever.”

I responded that I have amazing, kind, generous friends and that I would see what I could do for her.

I researched flights from her area and hotels and I do believe $1,200 should easily cover her expenses. If you are able to help, please click below and donate what you can. If you can’t help, please just spread the word. Let’s make sure that this mother can hug her Marine on August 10th.

Thanks in advance. You guys are the best. xoxo

You guys are AMAZING. You donated just under the amount I had set as the goal. And with that, I was able to purchase her plane ticket and reserve her hotel room. I have closed the donations since everything is now paid for. Melissa is OVERWHELMED by your kindness. She asked me to thank you. She’s beyond grateful for your generosity. I told her my friends online were amazing, now she believes me.


34 thoughts on “Because No Mother Should Miss Her Son’s Graduation From Marine Corps Boot Camp. (Updated!)

  1. miranda

    You are such a good person, Y! I agree, no mother should miss this big event and I am happy to donate! So proud of you and your son!

    1. Y Post author

      I am not amazing, but my friends sure are. Thank YOU for sharing this and helping out. I love you!

  2. Audrey at Barking Mad!

    This is such a good thing you’re doing. Had it not been for some very generous family members who helped us out right after my husband was laid off, I would not have been able to travel down to TX for my daughter’s graduation from BMT. It was something I’ll never forget . . . their generosity, and the experience of seeing Meg graduate.

    Thanks so much for letting us know about Melissa and giving me another opportunity to pay it forward.

  3. Kate N.

    My husband’s parents missed his graduation from boot camp, it’s definitely something they regret but it couldn’t be helped then. Just out of curiosity, is the kid graduating at PI or San Diego?

    1. Y Post author

      He’s graduating from San Diego. (Which is why I’m able to attend. I’m just a 2 hour drive from SD.) This mother lives in Texas. 🙂

      1. Kate N.

        I was kinda wondering why it was so expensive. I hope she is able to make it!

        My husband graduated from Parris Island. Semper fi!

        1. Y Post author

          Yeah– as of last night, flights were about $600-700 (ugh) and rooms are about $120 a night. I think $1,200 is perfect to cover her flight, hotel and give her just a little bit for taxis (if necessary.) I’m waiting to hear back from her. If we can book things with what we’ve raised so far, I’ll go ahead and close the donations tonight. I love everyone here so much. Thank you xooxo

  4. Karyn

    I have been a LONG time reader of yours. You have a heart of gold and deserve all the free Starbucks and praise you get.

  5. Issa

    Done! It wasn’t much but I hope it helps. I can’t imagine her not being able to go. Good for you for making this happen.

  6. Tracey

    Saw this on a friend’s facebook – kudos to you! I donated! Thank you for making it happen.

    1. Y Post author

      Thank YOU for donating. I’m so excited to tell her how amazing the internet is. And to help her book her flight!

      1. Tracey

        It goes to show you that “YES” a lot of people can make things happen. She deserves to be there, it is a huge event and I am so glad to know she is going to get to go. You did a great thing – letting all who helped in whatever way we can to feel good about ourselves today. I would love to hear her reaction when you tell her what the Internet did! Bet she cries.

  7. Maria

    My son is Army (but I support Marines too LOL) and I know my heart would have been broken if I hadn’t been there for him. I hope you make your goal!

  8. Mindy Barker

    I rarely comment, but wanted to help out! It looks like you will collect enough to get this Mama to where she needs to be! Awesome!

  9. janine

    longtime reader delurking–this is so wonderful. i’ve always thought you were inspiring but this absolutely confirms it. hooray for you, your son and melissa and her family!

  10. Melissa

    Thank everyone here so much for all your support! (used my i-net skills to find this)

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

    you guys are wonderful.

  11. Alice the Brit

    So happy to read this morning that the money was raised for Michelle …. when I “chipped in” yesterday it was at just under half the goal, but I didn’t doubt it would be met 🙂 The power of the Internet used in a positive pay it forward way, I love it 🙂 The world needs more people like you Y …. the more one gives and thinks of others, the more will be given back to you … You deserve to be bursting with pride at the Graduation … for your son, Michelle’s son, wish my 23yr old son was in that platoon too … sigh … loads of love, Alice the Brit in sunny sweaty Florida

    1. Alice the Brit

      and shame on me for calling her Michelle when it is Melissa …. too many M’s … I should know better!!!!

      Alice, Mum to
      Matthew, Melanie, Madeline & Mackenzie

  12. Leah

    Dang I missed out! So glad all your friends pulled through and helped your friend. So glad that Marine will have his mom present on graduation.

  13. Annie

    Jeez, first I read what’s going on at Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, now this. I’ve been tearing up all day.
    It really does take a village, and people are kind and good. Needed this after last week in Colorado

  14. Susan

    A day late, dollar short so to speak! I missed this. What about spending money and meals? Are you all set?

  15. Jessica

    Hey, email me. Maybe I could even get a better rate for the hotel room. I can’t do anything with airfare… as there are no discounts. But I can search my resources in my off time and see if I can get a hotel that she is interested in staying at, at a lower price. I just need to know what hotel you guys are interested in and I can look.

  16. mouthy_broad

    What a great story! People really can be amazing. Great job organizing. Not bad for a girl who just sits around eating bean dip.

    I just re-read your about me sideboard and hooted. Someone asking if all your kids have the same dad!

    1. Y Post author

      That’s all I do, every day, eat bean dip and wash it down with all of my expensive lattes from starbucks. 😉

  17. janet

    WOW you are amazing. I would love to have my mom and dad attend my graduation from my nursing program from the University of Michigan but they live in South Africa and I just cannot afford to bring them here at $1500 each. Some of my american friends have said, well it’s their responsibility to pay their way here but that is a big portion of their yearly financial income. I know they are proud of me and I guess that’s all that matters. Thank you for doing this for this person you have a big heart.

  18. Ashley

    Sooo nice of what you all did for her! I’m sure she was very thankful and happy she was able to go! I am in the same situation with not being able to attend my husbands graduation on August 8th 2014 because of financial reasons :(. So I know how she must of felt and really glad she had great people like you to help her go to this once in a life time event.

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