The Most Unromantic Anniversary Post You Will Ever Read, I’m Sure.

November 17th was our 22nd anniversary of our wedding anniversary.

My (very) Big fat (really ugly) Germican Wedding. (which, you're totally allowed to make fun of because, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A VEIL THAT BIG? OR GLASSES THAT BIG?)

This is what I posted that day on Facebook:

22 years of arguing about driving, emptying your pockets before you put your jeans in the hamper, how to properly load the dishwasher. 22 years of falling asleep in the same bed except for the nights when we’re mad at each other and one of us sleeps on the couch, or IN THEIR CAR. We’ve been madly in love. We’ve been on the verge of breaking up. We’ve been through so much together– Having babies, losing people we love, sending our first born son off to become a U.S. Marine. We are not a perfect couple, we do not have a fairy tale love story, but 22 years later, we still have each other, our health and our 3 close to perfect children. That’s good enough for me.

And then, later that night, I got dressed up and went out to a country bar to celebrate my friend’s 40th birthday party while my husband stayed at home so he could go to bed early.

We are the most unromantic couple and yet, somehow it works for us.

We argue about the dumbest things all day long, but at the end of the day, we kiss each other, say I love you and hold each other’s hands until we fall asleep. Or until one of us rips one and the other either laughs or gets angry and says something like “GET OUT OF BED TO DO THAT, YOU INCONSIDERATE JERK!”

Our marriage is far from perfect, but it works for us.

I’m grateful for the last 22 years and I hope we’re blessed with another 22.

10 thoughts on “The Most Unromantic Anniversary Post You Will Ever Read, I’m Sure.

  1. Suzy Q

    Happy Anniversary! You two are adorable, then and now. I wish you many more than just 22 more happy years together. xo

  2. Linda Tackett

    Happy Anniversary!!!!! Thank you for allowing all of us to be a part of your beautiful family. Happy Thanksgiving!

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